Google Moves from Keyword Search to an Intuitive Approach Based On Searches and Overall Online Activity
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This article is about keyword searches and social media. I thought I’d share the info.
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Google Moves from Keyword Search to an Intuitive Approach Based On Searches and Overall Online Activity. Yes They Are Data Mining All of Your Keystrokes In Social Networks As Well. Now Make Use of It.
Ira Blacker CEO, Printing By Design, Catalog Printing, Book Printing, Magazine Printing, Commercial Printing Top Contributor
How does this benefit you? Google has a great new tool which you can use to find potential readers and more. It is Google Insights.
The first thing I noticed was that if you scroll down there is a Power Point looking type of graphic. I clicked on the “What Are People Looking For” on the ring and it brought me to a search bar and I added “books to read”. This gave me some insight as to stats and regions.
I then clicked on the link “What’s Hot” and you can see what folks are looking for and searching for. If you know what folks want you then are then better able to position yourself to give them what they want and hopefully it is your book? You can locate discussions, forums, etc. that hit your niche topic and integrate your comments about your niche expertise and “how you wrote about it in your book and why it relates to the topic”.
Real-Time Insights Finder
You can tell a lot by the way people search. This demo will give you a glimpse into how our tools can help grow your brand.