
Hitting the Best Seller list on Amazon!

It was a short 24 hours, but my second novel “United Service” made it to the top seller list on Amazon!

The best sellers are the top 100 in specific categories. The list changes hourly, so you do have to be on top of it. I didn’t even know I was on it until about 1am two nights ago.

The book had climbed to #58 in paranormal vampires, #74 in fantasy, and #85 in romantic comedy!

It’s fallen past the 100 mark, but it’s nice to know that I did hit the best seller list and that my novel is just on the edge of hitting it again. I need to boost my sales so I can get back on the list and stay on it.

The sales of “Eternal Service” (my first novel) also soared over the last few days. It almost made the top 100, but missed.

Regina Morris

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Regina Morris writes sensual vampire romances and billionaire romances that will keep you reading past midnight.